The {Fall} Review
When you work with kids, I think every season is your busy season! Last summer I remember thinking, “It will be so nice when all of the kids get back in school and we can really begin a consistent schedule.” What was I smoking? I might as well start planning the Fall Festival the week after Vacation Bible School because, in reality, it will be here in the blink of an eye. However, in saying all of that, I have the best job in the world. I wouldn’t have it any other way. The only downside is that unless I go eat lunch with the kids at school, I only get to be with them on Sundays and Wednesdays. I just love those kids. They stole my heart the first week I was here. And I don’t ever want them to give it back.
I thought I would give you an overview of some of what has been going on in the Children’s Ministry at FBC Henderson.
We successfully renamed the Children’s Ministry ”JumpStart”. Our key verse is Acts 1:8 which says,”You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” Power…JumpStart….Get it?
I have painted the hallway and 3 out of 8 classrooms in the Children’s Wing. Having done all of the painting by myself, I have had a little painting burnout, so unless someone wants to come help or I get a sudden bust of motivation to paint, the rest of the classrooms are stuck with their boring colors at least until after Christmas.
- In August we kicked off our new curriculum, “The Gospel Project for Kids!” and I LOVE this curriculum. And even more importantly, they kids love it too. We are working our way from Genesis to Revelation and connecting each story with the ultimate Story of Christ redeeming us!
The last Wednesday in August we had 9 of our kids baptized! We went out to Chickasaw for a special baptismal service in the lake. When I suggested this, I had never been to Chickasaw and didn’t know quite how brown the water was. Ick! I told the kids they were just getting the real “Galilee experience.” They seemed okay with that.
September was not quite so filled up. We had See You At The Pole. Next year I am going to help in making the SYATP at our Middle School really great!
- October was CRAZY. The kids all had Fall Break for a week. Then we had a going-away party for one of my favorite 4th graders ever. Then we had an awesome “Cotton Ride” (its like a hayride, but you sit on piles of cotton instead). Then, on Halloween we had the church’s annual “Fall Festival.” We had over 1000 people come through our church that
night. The best part is that each of them were shown and told how much Jesus loves them. I have always been an anti-Halloween person and really struggled with the thought of “celebrating” Halloween. But, through a lot of prayer, I was shown that we were not “celebrating” Halloween, we were just using Halloween night as a way to make contact with many families who need to be in church. After all, what could make the devil madder than using his holiday to tell people about Jesus and try to get them involved in a local church?! Church-1 Devil-0.
On a personal note, Joyful Noise lessons are coming to a close next week with the recital on Nov. 16th. It has been a fun semester and I have really enjoyed getting to know my new students! I am looking forward to the holiday break, but will be accepting new students in January! If your child is interested in either private piano or voice lessons, go to the Joyful Noise tab at the top and fill out the registration form!
Blessings, Molly